Who We Are

Founded in 2016 as the first commercial-scale developer of Stormwater Retention Credits (SRCs), District Stormwater has grown to be the largest supplier of voluntary, High Impact SRCs in the market. District Stormwater brings together the innovative scientific expertise of The Nature Conservancy, and the financial acumen of NatureVest, The Nature Conservancy’s impact investing unit, to provide green infrastructure solutions to developers and landowners in Washington, D.C. Our team has decades of experience in green infrastructure engineering, finance and conservation science so that our projects have the greatest impact for buyers, landowner partners and the environment.

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District Stormwater streamlines the process for developers to more easily meet their stormwater retention obligation

District Stormwater streamlines the process for developers to more easily meet their stormwater retention obligation


District Stormwater works with property owners and regulators in Washington, D.C. to provide a cost-effective supply of Stormwater Retention Credits (SRCs) that developers can acquire to meet their permitted requirements.

  1. We take the hassle out of finding SRCs by developing relationships with property owners to implement stormwater retention practices in priority watershed areas of DC.

  2. We then take the whole SRC project through design, permitting, construction and maintenance to provide developers with a long-term supply of SRCs.

  3. Our team facilitates an easy process for developers to acquire our SRCs through the D.C. Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) SRC Registry.

  4. Once SRCs acquired, developers will be compliant with city regulations and can receive their Certificate of Occupancy.


We help developers meet their permitted stormwater retention requirements and maximize property use by supplying offsite SRCs, which reduces the burden for onsite stormwater management and frees up space for amenities. We assume full responsibility for maintaining SRC compliance, eliminating regulatory risk for developer-purchased credits.


We help landowners reduce impervious surface fees by implementing cost-effective stormwater retention solutions, such as replacing impervious surfaces with attractive rain gardens. These services come at no cost to the landowner, help the landowner to save money by reducing their stormwater fees in their water bill, and can even provide landowners with new revenue streams through credit sales. And we always include the landowner in the design process so that the stormwater retention infrastructure meets the desired aesthetic outcomes for the property.