What is the DC Stormwater Retention Credit-Trading Program?

Washington, D.C.’s stormwater regulations mandate that new developments and major renovations retain stormwater runoff from their site. To help developers meet this requirement, they have the option to meet a significant portion of the requirement offsite by acquiring Stormwater Retention Credits (SRCs) through a marketplace managed by the D.C. Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE).

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Why is Stormwater Bad?

Stormwater runoff is the fastest growing source of freshwater pollution in the world, including in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Stormwater pollution is caused when rainwater falls on impervious surfaces—including sidewalks, parking lots and roads—where it mixes with oil, sediment, trash and other pollutants. Stormwater then flows into our cities’ sewer systems and rivers, eventually reaching the Bay.


What Does Stormwater Retention Look Like?

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How the District’s SRC Market Works