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General Inquiries

For more information about District Stormwater, to buy Stormwater Retention Credits, or to talk to us about building a credit-generating project on your property, please contact:


Our Team

Aileen Craig

Stormwater Program Manager


Aileen Craig is the Stormwater Program Manager with District Stormwater where she leads the design, construction, and maintenance of Green Infrastructure projects. Aileen manages the landowner relationships and conducts analysis to find potential stormwater management project sites throughout the District that provide environmental and social benefits. Aileen is a licensed Professional Engineer in the District and has a BS and MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, and an MS in Environmental Science and Policy from Johns Hopkins University. Prior to joining District Stormwater, LLC she spent 7 years as a Water Resource Engineer designing, permitting, and constructing Green Infrastructure projects throughout the District, Maryland, and Virginia.   She can be contacted at


Craig Holland

Senior Strategic Advisor


Craig Holland is the senior director of urban investments for the Global Cities program of The Nature Conservancy, where he develops global strategies and investment products to scale environmental markets related to urban conservation activities. In addition to his work with District Stormwater, Craig also serves as the President of the Board of TNC/Opti Development Partners, a joint venture between the Conservancy and the technology firm Opti that builds distributed water quality and flood resilience projects. Prior to joining TNC, Craig was director of operations for the clean energy product manufacturer BioLite. Craig is a member of the Urban Land Institute and serves on its Responsible Property Investment Council and is a member of the Environmental Financial Advisory Board to the U.S. EPA, where he is co-chair of a workgroup on Chesapeake Bay water quality financing and served on the Federal Stormwater Taskforce. Craig holds a BA with distinction from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and an MS from Columbia University.


Mark Bryer

Senior Leadership

With more than 25 years of experience in natural resource conservation and water resource engineering, Mark provides senior leadership for District Stormwater. Mark is also currently Director of The Nature Conservancy's Chesapeake Bay program, coordinating TNC’s investments across six states and Washington, D.C. to improve water quality and conserve critical habitats in North America’s largest estuary.  He has previously served as Chair of the Healthy Watershed Committee for EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program, and currently serves on Maryland’s Oyster Advisory Commission and Maryland Sea Grant’s External Advisory Board.  Mark also serves as Policy Advisor to Brightstorm, a joint venture a joint venture between TNC and the technology firm Opti that builds distributed water quality and flood resilience projects.  Mark holds a Master of Environmental Studies from Yale University's School of the Environment and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Lehigh University.